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In the excitement of Crop Over and all the summer festivities, it’s hard to focus on the storm season, after all, God is a Bajan! Ignore it at your own peril! The Scouts have a motto – BE PREPARED and we have so many examples of extreme weather issues around the world that it would be wise to remember their mantra. Global warming is very much a reality and forecasters are finding it more difficult than ever to predict what is going to happen.

Thank you Kieran Kelly from Tradewinds International Brokers for your insight into why insurance is so vital for us all. It’s only when we have had an accident or have lost the roof due to storm damage that we realise how important it is to be insured. And also, to be PROPERLY insured to the full value of your home etc.

Things are still very active in the Barbados Real Estate market from all accounts. Barbados remains popular with many as a desired place to live and work. The climate is terrific, the infrastructure very good and we have daily flights to the USA and the UK and many more destinations. Overall, it’s a peaceful, heathy lifestyle on an island that has much to offer. You will not be bored in Barbados!

Enjoy the rest of the summer, stay safe and take note of Hilary’s tips in the Ace Hardware section.


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